Monday, January 18, 2010

WWE Royal Rumble Prediction

I will make this prediction now, mainly because WWE couldn't have been more obvious about this tonight.

Triple H will win the Royal Rumble. After eliminating HBK. Triple H and Shawn Michaels will end up being the final two left in the Rumble.There you have it, now if it happens, every reader of this site owes me 1 can of soda pop. And none of that Sams Choice crap either! You owe me the ever elusive PIBB XTRA!


  1. WWE matchups just dont intrigue me....either i've seen them all or have no interest in seeing them at all.

  2. I have to disagree with you on your predicition. I think that Shawn Michaels will win the Rumble and go on to Challenge The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26.

  3. The battle of the soda pop is on then.

  4. I guess it is. Just so you know, I like Dr. Pepper.

  5. The road to wrestlemania officially begins on January 31st at the 2010 Royal Rumble. While Wrestlemania is regarded as the grandest stage of them all, it is the Royal Rumble that has always excited me the most.
    Below are my Predictions for the PPV

    Royal Rumble Match- Winner SHAWN MICHAELS
    Unless the WWE is planing a major betrayal, I have no doubt in my mind that Shawn will go on and win this. For the last month now, the HBK vs TAKER rematch has been played out on our screens, I can't see it's point if Shawn does not deliver unless of corse he is screwed out of this chance by someone he trusts AKA HHH, it's close to call. Michaels and Batista will be the last 2 with Ray Mysterio affecting the outcome. I expect to see a few WWE hall of famers making Surprise entrants.

    The Undertaker Vs Ray Winner - NO CONTEST I have a strong feeling that the WWE are not quite done yet with the whole Ray vs Batista Feud, I expect Batista to come out and cost Ray a chance at the title, resulting in a DQ depending on who the animal decides to attack, I fully expect Mysterio to return the favour during the Royal Rumble match, causing Batistas Elimination.

    Sheamus vs Orton Winner - Sheamus - I like most of the WWE hate the fact that Sheamus is champion, the WWE know he is not a popular choice but will try and justify his push with a win againsed Orton (I really hope I'm wrong on this one)

    Christian vs Jackson- winner Christian, I really can't see Christian losing his title he is popular with the fans on a struggling show, I don't think the WWE is willing to take the risk of losing ecw ratings and will keep Christian Champ until someone else proves themselves

    Michelle vs Mickie - winner Mickie, I see this as the only title change at the pay per view, Michelle has had the title for a long time, and the whole piggie James thing has run it's corse, time for Mickie to take the crown and start a rivalry with Beth Pheonix.

  6. I think Kane will win this year.. and goes to fight the Undertaker, ends streak and becomes new WHC..., Taker then retires... Christian retains, Mickie James and Orton will become new Champs..
