Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bubba The Love Sponge On The Haiti Tragedy

I seriously hate this idiot, so damn much. His radio show is the most unfunny worthless crap I have ever listened to. I listen to Howard Stern all the time, and Bubbas idiotic show is on the same channel, so sometimes Bubba will be on when I get in the car and I wanna punch myself in the face for it. But whatever, what makes him a D-Bag today? It was this post on his Twitter account...

"I say fuck hati. Why do we have to take care of everybody our country is in shambles. Bubba"

Yeah. Really? Like... really? Bubba is like a lot of retards on the internet. They just wanna say something shocking and controversial so people will think, OH MAN HES SO CRAZY AND INTERESTING! Well guess what, its more like, OH MAN, WHAT A GIANT DICK FACE. Listen, Bubba The Fuck Rag, Our own country isn't in damn shambles. Everyone who cries and complains about the economy is an idiot. I am one of the many of Americans who have been laid off from their jobs, I have been out of work since July actually, and yet with a new car, a house, and a kid, I am still doing just fine. And no matter how crappy our country gets economy wise, it's still in better shape than the rest of the world.

The Dudley Boys got it all wrong, the Nasty Boys don't ride on Hogans coattails. Bubba does. More than anyone else.


  1. I know where Bubba is coming from..where was the rest of the world when we were hit by Katrina and how about the twin towers attack. I don't recall any other countries coming to our aid at all. Our country is way to generous. Didn't you people know that the U.S. is already giving aid to Haiti, it has been for years. Where does all the money go? I know it doesn't go to the citizens that's for sure. So to Bubba I say, I agree with you wholeheartedly.

  2. bout your neighbour to the north..we are always ther to land hand when something goes wrong be it the towers or Katrina...our fire fighters and emergency support services were the first to reach out...Oh and who opened their homes to counteless thousands of people when the U.S. closed ther air space CANADA did.... I personally drove to to Toronto International Airport and opened my home to strangers...NOW the case of Haiti is tragic and we all; globally should be reaching out...$2.00 per person will go such a long way everyone should step up.. Bubba you are a punk with a microphone and an opinion.

  3. I disagree with what you said about the economy. You even backtracked in your article and admitted that it is bad, because you've been laid off since July. Ask the 15.3 million Americans now out of a job. There is NO economic recovery happening; sure, the U.S. may be far better than other countries, but economically it is getting worse and worse at time goes on.

    That makes me think you either have a lot of money in savings, or are just in denial about the economic collapse of the country. Bubba could have said it better, but I get his point.


    re: international response to katarina

  5. Apparently Random Villain is on unemployment and food stamps since he hasn't had a job since summer and is doing just fine!

  6. Bubba was right,Charity begins at home!

  7. I haven't had a job in 5 years and I'm doing fine. No food stamps here, and my unemployment ran out 4.5 years ago.

    IMHO if you are dependent on a job your mentality isn't really any better than someone depending on the government or charity. People who take responsibility for their lives can figure it out.

  8. i dont like bubba, but i agree with the country isnt really in shambles, but why are we cleaning up other peoples messes. yes haiti was a tragedy, but so was new orleans back in 2005, did the world come running to our aid? NOPE!!! so why should we give a shit about the rest of the world?
