Tuesday, January 5, 2010

TNA is full of surprises.

TNA Impact was live on Spike TV on Monday night for a special 3 hour special.  It truly was a special evening full of many surprises including the long awaited return of the "Immortal" Hulk Hogan who was accused by the former members of New World Order of becoming corporate.  I believe that Hulk Hogan truly wants to change TNA and make it the number one wrestling promotion in the world.  No one would argue that wherever Hogan advocates, that company is supreme in this industry.  It took almost an hour for the expected Hogan to appear in the Impact Zone which made for some suspense even though I believe that the fans and especially me and my boys were begging and yelling at the television for Hogan.  On a personal note, I remember seeing Hogan live at the Pontiac Silverdome in Pontiac Michigan at wrestle Mania 3 body slamming Andre the Giant.  On  a more positive note, it was no surprise that Eric Bishoff accompanied Hogan to the platform.  Both Bishoff and Hogan are going to bring the brains to the organization while TNA supplies the talent.  No one can argue about the talent that TNA possesses.  With the X-division, the cultural diversity, and the female wrestlers that are opposite of the WWE divas brings excitement.  Overall, I think Impact set out to accomplish its goals. The main event between Kurt Angle and AJ Styles was probably the best match that  I have seen on television in quite a while. That match is what us fans want to watch and witness each and every week.  Hogan and Bishoff have their work cut out for them but one warning to both of these men.  They are going to have to be careful of not repeating what they did in WCW destroying the company with pride and greed.  By the looks of the show last night I do not believe that that is going to happen not with Hogan on the helm. 
Several questions to ponder is this?  How will Impact follow up with the exciting show that was presented on live TV?  Is TNA going to travel and do live shows all over the country or continue to stay in Orlando?  Finally, With all of the new talent that showed up on Impact last night where and how are they going to utilize these assets?  

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