After the challenge we get some Extreme Rules promo's.
Darren Young is shown talking to the S.E.S about last week. CM Punk is visibly annoyed by Gallows interrupting him and says if Darren can beat Gallows he will be forgiven or else he gets his head shaved.
Match #1 Pro vs Rookie. Christian vs Wade Barrett
Pretty good match Christian and Barrett had great chemistry. Jericho distracts the ref so Wade can setup a finisher but Heath Slater grabs his foot allowing Christian to hit the Killswitch.
After match we get a peak about David "A-List" Otunga's Accesss Hollywood segment. If he improves his ring skills a bit he can definitely be a great force in the coming years.
The Miz is putting down Daniel Bryan backstage for his poor performance. What i found funny was he called him the Susan Boyle of the WWE, all the talent but no star power. The Miz is amazing in the promo as always.
Match #2 William Regal vs Daniel Bryan
A little piece of history between those two (i knew this before Michael Cole announced it) Bryan was trained by Regal who taught him a ton of submissions. When Regal was coming back to wrestling after a suspension or a injury I forget which he called up Bryan to help him train. Daniel Bryan wears maroon to honor Regal for helping him improve.
Another decent match but seemed much shorter then Match #1. Daniel Bryan tries to submit Regal with the Gulliotine and Regal eventually hits the Knee Trembler for the win. 0-8 for Bryan now.
The Miz runs in to hit the Skull Crushing Finale was a punishment for his loss. They are either making Bryan lose every week to A. Keep setting up his eventually match with the Miz or B. It's Vince's way of saying f you to all the Indie fans.
Match #3 Darren Young vs Luke Gallows
A much better match then I expected Darren Young showcased some pretty good skills. He rolls up Gallows for the 3 count. Afterwards Luke is on his knees begging CM Punk for forgiveness as he raises up Young's hand in victory.
Also since Wade Barret won the challenge this week he will have his own theme to walk to the ring to so thats a huge bonus.
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