Tuesday, April 27, 2010

TNA Ranking System Voting


Don't forget to vote often. Desmond Wolfe is in the lead with Jeff Hardy close behind.


  1. This is dumb, nothing counts except what the fans think? All the ROH fan boys jumped on and voted for Desmond....big deal.

  2. Hey Bob, is there anything you do like? because so far you seem to be a negative nancy right now so go join Skip Bayless and fornicate in a cave hovering over your laptop/desktop

  3. Bob I do agree a lot of ROH fans did vote for Desmond but that is because he was a great wrestler as Nigel but hasnt gotten a chance to shine. The fans vote and there are other factors they use to decide

  4. I'm being negative just because i'm pointing out some stupid things? I like plenty....Angle vs. Anderson was awesome, and TNA is doing great things, but this just isnt one of them. WWE on the other hand just completely sucks for anyone over 15...just the truth.
