Monday, February 22, 2010

Chris Jericho and Batista are the Champions Heading Into Wrestlemania 26

You read that right, after the Elimination Chamber PPV, Chris Jericho and Batista (who wasn't even in a chamber match) are the World and WWE Champions heading into WrestleMania. In the first Chamber match, it came down to John Cena and Triple H, and we sadly got to see Triple H tap out yet again to John Cena, crowning Cena the WWE Champion once again. But just when we thought we would get Cena main eventing Mania, Mr. McMahon comes out, and tells us Cena is on his way to Mania, IF he can defend the title right now against Batista. Batista made quick work of Cena, and is now the WWE Champion heading into WrestleMania. That was about the only surprise of the night, as in the second chamber match, Shawn Michaels interfered and caused the Undertaker to be the final man eliminated, giving the World Heavyweight Championship to Chris Jericho. So Mania is looking pretty predicable right now, and unless we get some swerves (which is highly unlikely with WWE,) the card looks like:

Chris Jericho vs. Edge for the World Title

John Cena vs. Batista for the WWE Title

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon (slight chance this could be made a tag with Cena/Batista)

Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker 2

Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase

And possibly Triple H vs. Sheamus, with some sort of feud between the 2 being set up.

Overall a lackluster card for a WrestleMania in my opinion. No traditional Money in the Bank match this year due to WWE making the match it's own PPV. I for one am not intrigued, and don't see WWE doing anything too special this year, but I hope I'm wrong.

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