Monday, January 7, 2008

Update on the Nancy Benoit Nude Hustler Spread.

-- We reported a few weeks ago that nude photos of the late Nancy Benoit would be appearing in the March 2008 issue of Hustler Magazine. Subscribers of the publication of now received the issue featuring Benoit. The following is an excerpt from her two-page spread:

"Back when Nancy was ready to take everything off for the camera, her future had yet to be written. The Nancy of yore was merely an innocent young woman seeking an opportunity to model, not a world of freakish pranks, demonic gimmicks, and insidious steroids. One can only imagine what fate would have had in store had she continued her quest to become a model..."

The photos were taken before she got into wrestling. Nancy was doing bikini and wet t-shirt competitions in Florida when somebody approached her with an offer to be in Penthouse. She did a photoshoot, which was video taped. Nancy never submitted the photos and later had them destroyed, but the video tape was never destroyed and that is the source of the Hustler pictures.

**Update, the Topless pictures can now be seen at: Nancy Benoit Nude Hustler Photos

1 comment :

  1. She's real pretty and i can't wait to get the issue.
